Reduce Energy Consumption

Reducing Energy Consumption power station

Help to Reduce Energy Consumption

At Renby, our products and systems are highly energy efficient allowing you to use less energy. Soaring energy prices continually threaten costs. Energy deals can be negotiated and renewable energy systems can be used to combat this, but the best way to reduce the cost is to use less. Happy, customers with our low energy, effective and reliable systems tend to recommend and use us over and again.

Sustainability and environmental protection are important to us at Renby. To find out more about how industrial users can use less energy, click on the links at the bottom of this page. For dust suppression, cooling and conveying systems that help reduce energy usage, read on…


Renby are Committed to Finding Solutions that Work Towards a Greener Planet

Whilst Renby’s products are energy efficient in themselves, the neat irony is… our products are used extensively in the production of green energy at Energy from Waste plants, for green waste composting or loading biofuel into boilers ... it’s great to be green.

Optimising Cooling Efficiency

MicronFogTM for efficient Air Conditioning.

Air conditioning and cooling systems use a great deal of energy. Fogging a cooling system dramatically reduces the amount of energy required to cool and thus lowers energy use. Fogging has been used to great effect in computer data centres where cooling is critical. Fog alone cools components by up to10oC.

Our fogging system pumps are highly energy efficient, therefore when using fog for dust suppression, humidification or cleaning. MicronFog minimises the energy required

More on Cooling with Fog …

Energy free Odour Control

Neutralise Odour without Power or Water

The revolutionary Neutrapak solves a major problem for industrial processors and waste site operators.

Several high profile law suits citing nuisance odours have hit the headlines over the last few years, highlighting a need for operators to act to ensure odours resulting from their operation do not affect people’s enjoyment of their homes and public areas.

Neutrapak uses natural substances to neutralise odours and can be used on remote sites as no power or water is needed

More on Neutralising odours …

Tubular Drag Conveyors

Dust Tight Energy Efficient Conveyors

The Schrage Tube Chain Conveyor has the same conveying ability as a lean phase pneumatic conveyor.

Moreover, it only uses one quarter of the power of a lean phase conveyor. It has been said that the annual energy required to run a lean phase pneumatic conveyor will cost the same as the original purchase price!

A low energy Schrage Tube Chain Conveyor, saves energy and money.

More information on dust tight conveying …

Moving floor with bag opener

Handle Heavy Bulk Materials with Ease

Spirofloor® Moving Floors use a fraction of the energy required by other systems used in these applications. Any vehicle can load onto it which means no double handling and reduced fuel use.

More about Moving Floors …

Hydratech Toploaders consume even less power than a moving floor and are operated with inverter driven motors on an intermittent cycle, so most of the time, no power is being consumed at all.

More about our Toploaders…


We help customers to reduce energy consumption and become more sustainable

We want to work with you to reduce the energy consumption of your process or ensure your production facility is as energy efficient as possible.

Renby Care about the Environment

Renby try to act in an environmentally responsible way. We like to keep informed about ways which we can reduce our impact on our planet. Here are a few useful articles on reducing energy consumption.


Industrial users top tips on reducing energy consumption: Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)

Basic Guide to Renewable energy installation + Feed In Tariff system: Simple Guide to the Renewable Energy Tariffs

Whether green energy is worth the investment: Is Renewable Energy a "Good" Investment?

Are solar panels or wind turbines a waste of money? - Gadget shows green energy is worth it